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Frequently Asked


It's my first time! How many strands should I choose?

This answer is different for each and every customer. I would be lying if I tell you that "oh 80 strands if you want a more natural look, 180 strands if you want a more volume look". If any salon has told you that, I'll roll my eyes. Yes, by logic, more strands = more volume. Everybody has different eye shapes, a number of lashes, lash lengths, etc. Some customers' healthy lashes don't even add up to 100-120, so how do you sell them 180 strands? So over here, we need to meet the client in person, see how many strands you possibly need, what's your budget like, design recommendations according to your eye shape and current lash condition. We only charge you what your lashes need.


How do I know if you are professional?

Anyone can say they are professional. I only claim a few things that are really important to me. Safety first, our top 1 priority is we bring down the risk of any possible infection to the lowest.  We ensure to tape your eyes area in a proper Japanese method and clean your lashes thoroughly during the lash spa. We'll only glue your extensions 1mm away from your lids. My glue will be discarded within 2-3 weeks and my equipment are all sanitized with alcohol before the lashing procedure. There are many things we do to make sure our client eye's and lash's health is in its optimal. it's too much to be stated in here, but the above are all the important points to take note on before going to an eyelash salon.


I heard that my natural lashes will drop if I go to the wrong salon, or my natural lashes will become bald because I put on eyelash extensions?

I, myself, I have been doing extensions on myself for the past 2 years with 2 really prestigious salon. My first time with extensions, I was really careful with them, and because I was too careful, I did not enjoy the experience of having eyelash extensions. I have bad habits like rubbing my eyes when I sleep, touching my lashes while watching tv. The more I avoid, the more I feel restrained. Now, I let go of the restrains, and bought a lash growth serum instead. I can rub my eyes during sleep, sleep anyway I want, touch my lashes, and my lashes still grow~ Jokes aside, professionally speaking, all the lashes will be placed strand by strand, there will be no lashes tugging each other. The only natural lash you will drop is at the telogen stage where it sheds 2-3 strands per day which is perfectly normal. Just like our own hair!


Why Angelina Studio? Why not lash empire or lash blah blah?

I feel no matter where I go, I have a strong particular style of doing things, things I like and don't like. Don't misunderstand! I'm very nice! I smile wherever I go! I think what I am talking about is a lifestyle. What I like, I will share. What I don't like, I will not bring it over to the next person. Let's say salon for an example, I loathe going to a salon thinking someone will definitely try to sell me a package. Instead, I will regularly visit the salon when they don't have a package system. So at Angelina Studio, it actually means Angelina's style of doing things. Coming to us, you don't have to worry things are going to be expensive, or someone is going to pressure you into getting a package, not with us definitely! Most importantly, I'm not profit driven, I love it when customers are happy!





+65 9644 6457

Angelina Studio

111C Plantation Crescent

Plantation Acres @ Tengah

Singapore 693111

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